The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 269

More Outer Ring
for brass quintet (11:47)

This work part of the 19 movements Mr. Burdick has written for brass depiction of the some of the planets, moons and other objects of our solar system. There are three movements in this part:

Asteroid Belt for brass Octet (2321)
Haumea for brass quinet (1211)
Charon for brass Octet (2321)

June 2020

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Opus 269 Brass Quintet & Octet
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Opus 269


I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

I. Asteroid Belt
II. Haumea
III. Charon

I. Asteroid Belt also titled Jabba's Canteen

The final work created for the “Ring Cycle” is More Outer Ring, Op. 269. From maps it can be seen that the Asteroid belt is in the center of the largest space between planets in our solar system. It is virtually obvious that a planet is missing here and the Asteroid belt is what is left of the planet. This movement uses three I Ching Scales 49, 53, & 54 (of version 5 scales). It is constructed in a similar way to his We Give Thanks, in that it is musical structure that is projected through or modulated to the different keys. It has the randomness needed to depict and group of asteroids, yet it has a subtle musical cohesion.

The goal for this compositon was to write a work that depcited ramdon small objects; one of the easiest things for me to do! As well my current ideal of a constant beat, in this case a note happening on every eighth note gave me three layers. The melodic idea in MF, a background rising scael in MP and random single and double notes oftern spelling out the harmonic series of the scale in P. Adding a tempo change in each bar to gradually speed up each section, that is plenty of information to ceate a subtably complex piece of music. This work uses I Ching scales 53, 49 & 54. It is written in a phrasing style like his Opus 150 We Give Thanks.

II. Haumea

Haumea is just a small asteroid.

III. Charon

Charon is arranged from Mr. Burdick’s Opus 254 a work which is a companion to Burdick’s Opus 9 “Pluto for Flute, horn, ‘cello and videotape. This is a very hard work that woudl requre considerable rehearsal time. Opus 9 is not part of this Ring Cycle for Brass.

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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